SoNick – the ESG battery

ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is a term that is often used by ethical investors to evaluate a company’s sustainable and ethical performance when they are investigating the long term investability of a company.

A crucial part of our new energy transition is the usage of batteries to store energy, either as backup power, to stabilize the grid or in EV’s. This transition will involve trade-offs and by adhering to ESG principles companies can make sure their governance covers factors that make sure that the net result of this transition is positive from the environment and social angles.

ESG markers are like biomarkers that tell us how healthy our bodies are. ESG markers in a company are used to give us an indication of what ethical and sustainable principles a company is utilising.

Many battery manufacturing companies claim their batteries will be good for the environment, however they fail many of the ESG markers. Likewise, many battery manufacturing companies themselves fail many of the social and governance ESG markers that modern ethical investors are looking for.

FZSoNick, from Switzerland manufacture the Sodium Nickel Chloride or Sodium Nickel Metal (SoNick) salt battery and fulfill all the ESG markers below. The SoNick battery stands head and shoulders above all other battery technologies when you look at its ESG markers.

The ESG Battery

  1. Environmental
    1. 100% recyclable with today’s tech
      1. Recycled since 2011
      2. Profitable to recycle
    2. No rare earths or toxic chemicals
    3. Low impact life cycle
    4. Non-Flammable and Non-Explosive
    5. Long life, high performance
  2. Social
    1. Swiss factory with high labour standards
    2. No conflict minerals, cobalt free
    3. Public Code of Ethics
    4. Committed to remote and rural projects
  3. Governance
    1. Private company headquartered in Italy, Factory in Switzerland, 4 Repair centres around world
    2. Family-owned company since 1938
    3. Comprehensive Code of Ethics
    4. Only claim proven results

The Sodium Nickel (SoNick) salt battery, manufactured by FZSoNick is distributed in Australia by Grid Edge.


100% Recyclable Recycled since 2011, extracted materials meet or exceed costs of extraction.

No rare earths or toxic chemicals Free of the devastating impacts of these commodities in production and end of life

NonFlammable and NonExplosive UL9540A certified, will not explode or catch fire, nor cause toxic pollution even in a catastrophic fire or event impacting the battery.

High Performance & Long Life Meets or exceeds Lithium-Ion performance in most applications with 10+ yr lifetime

Short Transport Routes Most materials from commonly available materials in Switzerland the EU.

Proven low impact based on real data Independent Life Cycle Analysis (cradle to grave) based on real world performance data show very low environmental impact.

Social Governance

Labour standards Manufactured in Switzerland with some of the highest labour & quality standards.

No conflict minerals SoNick does not contribute to the social and human cost of wars and corruption.

Electrifying remote and rural locations Over 300 projects in remote and rural locations.

Comprehensive Code of Ethics Providing a clear framework and expectations for relationships with all stakeholders.

Headquartered in Italy A private company subject to Italian and EU compliance and governance requirements.

Comprehensive Code of Ethics Covering all aspects of company operations.

Established company Founded in 1938 and manufacturing batteries since 1942, a stable long-term partner.

Proven Results Only claims performance backed up by real world results from 16+ yrs field deployment.

With increasing demands for higher ESG standards, SoNick is a unique product that looks at the total “Cradle to Grave cycle of battery manufacture, use and end of life disposal.

A life cycle assessment was done on the SoNick battery in 2022 to ascertain the impacts on the environment of all phases of the battery’s life cycle, from raw material acquisition to product disposal at the end of life.

If you would like to know more about getting safe, non-flammable, reliable, recyclable, SoNick (molten salt) battery storage for your own home, business or micro-grid application visit us at

We have a number of different sized systems that can cater to your budget and needs from household batteries to grid support installations in shipping containers.

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