One of the places you can sometimes see the FIAMM SoNick battery on display is at Ian Southall’s Renewable Energy Demonstration trailer.
The REDT travels around Gippsland in Victoria to various festivals and other venues, including schools, to educate people about renewable energies, including school children, with specially designed school programs.
The Renewable Energy Demonstration trailer (REDT) is integrated with up-to-date technology which allows combinations of stand- alone, off-grid and energy storage options to drive a computer modelling system. This then promotes programs and teachings on sustainability and energy efficiencies to be displayed on the interactive screens installed in the trailer. You can “Boil the Billy” from solar PV, “Fan yourself” with power from the wind turbine, or “Light your Life” with LEDs using a bicycle to provide power. The Renewable Energy Demonstration trailer can store enough energy in the deep cell batteries “ON BOARD” – enough to power a house over night or even operate an event site during the day.
The Renewable Energy Demonstration trailer (REDT) is now promoting the FIAMM SoNick battery technology as the premium battery now available on the Australian market and when possible has an actual battery on display to encourage community engagement with this battery technology.
As the FIAMM SoNick battery has no toxic materials used, either in its manufacture, or use, it is definitely a much healthier battery to be used, rather than some of the alternatives batteries now available that have toxic materials that are not only detrimental to peoples health but also are harmful to our environment.
The FIAMM SoNick battery is also 100% recyclable, with a recycling program already in place which means it handles the complete “Cradle to Grave” cycle in an environmentally responsible manner. This is something that you don’t usually associate with battery technologies but is one of the reasons the Renewable Energy Demonstration trailer is willing to promote the SoNick battery.
GridEdge with it’s Sodium Nickel salt battery is proud to be associated with the trailer and to the process of community engagement with the much safer and more environmentally friendly battery technology.
If you recognise the value in utilising battery storage and would like to be one of the early adopters of this superior technology, please visit our website at or feel free to contact us for more information at